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How to Live/Thrive as an Empath

How Do I Decide?

May 22, 2017

I’m Kavita
A Jungian Business and Success coach, a highly-sensitive woman and an empath. A mother of two beautiful boys, and a serial entrepreneur.
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Are you ever torn between two options, and almost feel paralyzed to make a decision. Do you sometimes wonder what if I choose the wrong option? Which would be better? What if I make a mistake?

If you have ever struggled with a decision, and if you are a mom and/or business owner, I am pretty certain you have, you are not alone. Making a decision usually means you have to say no to something. It is common to worry about making the wrong decision and if we had chosen differently if it would have been better financially, physically, or emotionally.

Due to our fear of making the wrong decision, we can get stuck in indecision. While in this state of limbo, we seek advice from our friends and family, do countless internet searches, and even write a pros/cons list (maybe even more than once).

Although there is value in seeking help from others, once you gather all the information, how do you make a final decision? When do you know you have gathered enough information?

I truly believe that we know what is best for use, what is best for our highest good by checking in with our own intuition.

If we are in tune with our intuition then we can make decisions from the inner guidance, knowing that we are making the best choice for us at this time.

The most common question people ask me when I discuss strengthening their intuition is “how do I know if it is my intuition guiding me or my ego mind preventing me from making changes?”I love helping clients strengthen their intuitive connections…

There are some key indicators that your intuition is talking to you.

Is the voice you are hearing a loving, supportive voice, or does it sound critical? If it is a loving voice it is most likely your intuition.

Another way to check is to use tools such as oracle cards or journaling.

Whatever method your choose, before making a decision, there is priceless value in checking in with your intuition.

The good news is that the more you practice checking in and listening to your intuition, the better you will get at discerning this valuable internal voice.

If you need help strengthening your intuition or guiding yourself out of limbo, contact me for a complimentary Clarity session.

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