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Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

3 Strategies to Slowww Down

January 29, 2015

I’m Kavita
A Jungian Business and Success coach, a highly-sensitive woman and an empath. A mother of two beautiful boys, and a serial entrepreneur.
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As I write this, I am taking a break to cough in between phrases and sentences. I had so many things and tasks I needed to complete this week and was working diligently to meet my monthly goals. I now realize this month I have been sick twice, which is not normal for me. So I have to ask myself what is going on, and what is my body telling me? As I was pondering this question as I was relaxing and watching TV, there were so many advertisements for cough/cold/flu medicines that you can take so you can do everything that you want to do as normal. What happened to plenty of rest and fluids? Our culture does not support taking time out to rest, in fact, it is frowned upon. It is a sign of weakness to need rest and recuperation; it is a sign of how you are not strong enough. While I notice these messages and took the time to ask myself what is going on here, ask my body what it is trying to tell me. I got the following message: SLOW DOWN! It’s ok if you don’t get everything done, in fact, you are expecting too much. We are so disconnected from our bodies that we don’t pay attention to the messages it gives us. The messages of hunger, fatigue, dehydration, sickness, and satiety are often ignored for productivity. I know my life would be better, I would experience more joy if I would take some time to slow down and listen. I know that is it difficult to slow down; we are all on this treadmill going all day long, how do we get off without falling? I have some tips to help, try one or more out and see how you can get in touch with your body and if it helps you get off the treadmill.

  1. Rest for 15 minutes without sleeping. Take 15 minutes laying flat and closing your eyes. Allow your thoughts to wander and start to focus on your body. As you are focusing you will notice there are parts of your body that are tense, just noticing the tension can help you release it.
  2. I think I mention in almost every blog post a different way that journaling can help you. I truly believe writing can do so much to help. In fact there recent research on the benefits of journaling/expressive writing. (Here is a link to the research, if you are interested My suggestion to you is that you write down the stress of your day without judgment and leave it on the paper. Take some breaths and look around at all you have, be thankful you are still breathing and alive.
  3. Walking/Running. If you like taking walks or enjoy running. Take the time to do this for even 15 minutes. This time go without music, or any distractions. Take in the scenery around you notice the trees, flowers, and all your surroundings. This particular walk/run is to clear your mind and allow you to slow down sometimes, we need to move our bodies to slow down our minds.

I hope you take my cough/cold and use it to your advantage. Don’t wait to get sick, slow down now, take it all in. Enjoy

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