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Unlock your Subconscious block session

Kavita Melwani is a Master Intuitive Success coach, a highly-sensitive woman and an empath. She combines her experience, training and intuition to guide her clients to achieve their highest vision of success.
Kavita is also a mother to two beautiful teens, a first-generation/2nd generation American and a serial entrepreneur who has owned and operated various businesses since 2003. The turning point in her life came when she started to work with a life coach to recognize her true gifts and calling. 
Kavita is intuitive, holistic, spiritual, multi-cultural, sometimes a misfit, strategic, nurturer, supporter and visionary. She is skilled at seeing your blind spots, busting through your subconscious blocks, and supporting you in owning your self-worth. 

About me
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Master Intuitive Success Coach.  Find and Fulfill Your Purpose💫 Clear Path to Success💫1st/2nd Gen 💫 Spiritual 💫 High-achieving BIPOC ✨aligned energy