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How to Live/Thrive as an Empath

Thriving During the Holidays as a Highly Sensitive Person

December 6, 2019

I’m Kavita
A Jungian Business and Success coach, a highly-sensitive woman and an empath. A mother of two beautiful boys, and a serial entrepreneur.
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What did you feel when you read the title of this article? What thoughts, feelings or words came up for you? I know that thriving during the holidays as a highly sensitive person is easier said than done. We are in a time of intense energy. As the days get shorter, pumpkin spice everything emerges and the holiday decorations start to show up in the stores we can often feel our stress levels rise.

Even if you have chosen to do less this year, have chosen to set strong boundaries, there is still the stress of the past, family expectations and even just the frenzy energy surrounding us.

Add into the mix the messages we receive through media, social media, and comparison of what others are doing. As a highly sensitive person or empath these energies are even more intense. After all, our nervous system is heightened. 

Overstimulation of our nervous system tends to be commonplace during this time of you. Which can prevent thriving as a HSP. 

We can’t control what is going on around us but we can control how we process and handle all of it. If you already have self-care activities as part of your routine my suggestion is to increase whatever works for you.  The first thing that people stop or let go are the very things that destress, ground and center them. These are things like workouts, meditation, sleeping enough, journaling and/or downtime.

My first tip is: Don’t stop taking care of yourself!

Set the intention that although you may not be able to do an hour-long workout, you can go for a walk. Prioritize self-care even if you modify it. 

If that first tip doesn’t feel like enough,  here are some other suggestions/strategies to thrive during the holidays: 

  1. Say “No” to obligations that don’t feel aligned or just feel like too much. During this time of year, there are more social events and expectations/”should’s”. Sometimes we have been doing things a certain way for so long that we don’t even realize that the activity doesn’t work for us anymore. My suggestion is to really take a look at your schedule and calendar this year and ask yourself what you have been doing every year just because you have been doing it every year. Can you change how you do this task? Can you eliminate it? Pick one task each week to let go of and leave that space in your calendar prioritizing you. 
  2. Energetic clearing. When you return home from being in the world, this is a great time for you to transition into the home and your safe place. Take some time to clear your energy with the intention of arriving home and releasing any energy that isn’t yours. If you are not sure how clear your energy here is some suggestions.  Try any or a combination of the following: a 5-minute meditation, a visualization (see yourself leaving the day and energy behind and moving into a relaxed/connected state), take a dance break or use palo santo or sage to clear the energy.  
  3. Protect yourself. When you are out in the world set the intention to be open to receive positive interactions and to repel those that are not beneficial. You can also wear or carry with you a protective crystal. One option is black tourmaline which can repel low-level energy or a clear quartz crystal.  
  4. Essential oils. You can use lavender essential oil to calm your senses. Make sure you use a good quality essential oil. Diffuse the oil into your home, rub it on your feet with a carrier oil (coconut/almond or other oil), or just put it on your wrists and smell it throughout your day.
  5.  Take a bath. A sea salt bath can serve to detoxify your body and your energy. You can add lavender oil to help with relaxation. 
  6. Spiritual Practices. Spending time connecting with spirit through prayer, drum circles, or using oracle/affirmation cards. Last Year I developed a set of cards called “The Jewels Inside” using my sister’s art. Check them out here

As the holidays approach, it is possible to not only survive but to thrive as highly sensitive person. I hope these suggestions help you have a more joyous and connected holiday season. If you need some support or would like next year to be the year you make the changes in your life you have been desiring, contact me for a complimentary clarity session. 

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