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7 Ways to Increase Happiness: Gratitude

July 7, 2015

I’m Kavita
A Jungian Business and Success coach, a highly-sensitive woman and an empath. A mother of two beautiful boys, and a serial entrepreneur.
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I am continuing my series on 7 Habits to Increase your Happiness. Today I am discussing Gratitude. If you read blogs or articles you have heard about the value of Gratitude. Being grateful increases your sense of happiness because you are connecting with part of yourself that recognizes what you do have, what is going well in your life. It is human nature to focus on what needs to be improved. By taking time to be grateful for the things that are going well in your life you are able to change your perspective. As Wayne Dyer said “change your thoughts, change your life.” Also, as the Law of Attraction states, what you focus on persists. So basically by focusing on the good things in your life you are changing your perspective to positive focus AND you are attracting more good things in your life. You may be saying, great idea or reminder, but how do I do that? I did have an earlier blog post on gratitude, if you want to read that click here.

Here are more some strategies that can help you increase your focus on gratitude. My recommendation is that you choose one strategy and make it a habit. Choose to commit to this strategy for 21 days.

  1. Start your day off in the morning by saying to yourself “Thank you Universe/God for another day!” By simply starting your day with gratitude, you are setting a positive tone for your day.
  2. Focus on things that went well today
  3. Write down what is or has gone well in your life each day. Choose to write 5 or more things that went well.
  4. Before going to bed at night, spend a few minutes remembering and imagining one wonderful thing that happened that day or week. Really go into the image, feel the emotions attached to the event and say thank you.

In order to make sure that you follow through with any of these strategies, pick a specific time of day that you plan to the activity and put it in your calendar just like any other appointment.

These practices may seem small, but they can be powerful! Our life is made up of small miracles and moments. It is the little things that really give our lives meaning. We usually recognize and celebrate the big milestones in our lives, but often neglect the seemingly everyday moments. Shift your focus to the positive everyday moments and increase your happiness.

If you would enjoyed this blog, share it below. If you would like to work with me to increase your happiness and joy Contact me for a complimentary happiness session.

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