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Getting “Unstuck”: Reignite Motivation

January 20, 2016

I’m Kavita
A Jungian Business and Success coach, a highly-sensitive woman and an empath. A mother of two beautiful boys, and a serial entrepreneur.
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We are now into the new year. How have you been feeling? Are you feeling motivated to have a great year? Are you taking inspired action steps everyday? Or are you feeling stuck and unmotivated.

Typically in January after the high of the holiday season, it is normal to feel a sense of disappointment. A lot of us spent time with family, which can be positive and have some negative side effects. We also let go of our usual healthy habits for the holiday parties and gatherings. The stress of the holidays can also lead us back to self-soothe through our unhealthy habits. So if you aren’t feeling the buzz and enthusiasm of the new year, it’s not too late to make some changes and you are definitely not alone! This year I did feel a sense of fatigue and a sense of “stuckness” until I made a conscious decision to make some changes. If you are ready to be motivated, get unstuck and get back on track for the year ahead, here are some steps you can take.

  1. Check in with your body to see what you need. Our usual mode of operation is to move from task to task usually in a hurried manner. You know you are not fully present in your body when you don’t feel yourself walking (or running) to your next thing. If this is you. Do what you can to be intentionally physical, take a walk without technology, or a run, go for a yoga class, get a massage, or simply lay down with your eyes closed and scan each part of your body. When you are mindful and present in your body you are able to take care of yourself.
  2. Give yourself what you need. Now that you are fully present in your body what do you feel? What does your body need? More rest? Water? Exercise? A Massage? Now put that in your schedule ASAP.
  3. Once you take care of your physical needs it is time to focus on the emotional/mental/spiritual. It’s time to Journal. Just a reminder, If you skip the taking care of your body part the journaling part will be less effective because you won’t be fully present. Sit down and do some free writing. Ask yourself “What do I really want this year? What went well this year? What do I want to change?” Allow the answers to come, you are the only one that has the answer to this question.
  4. Take inspired action. Now go back and read what you wrote. Based on your journal entry what do you want to change? What do you want to do? Write down your goals and break the goals down into action steps. Put those action steps into your calendar.

If you take these steps and still feel stuck, you may need more support. Do something fun, spend time with friends, meditate, or exercise more. As always if you need additional support contact me to set up an appointment with me for a free clarity session.

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