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How to Live/Thrive as an Empath

How to Use your Intuition to Guide your Daily Life

November 12, 2015

I’m Kavita
A Jungian Business and Success coach, a highly-sensitive woman and an empath. A mother of two beautiful boys, and a serial entrepreneur.
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One of the many distractions that I have noticed in my clients and in myself is the tendency to seek answers to our questions outside ourselves. There is a time when research is necessary and consulting with an expert/mentor/coach is a advisable. It is also essential that we seek the information we need for our daily life for everyday tasks for work and life by tapping into our inner wisdom/intuition/gut instincts. It is very easy to go down the rabbit hole of research and seeking more and more advice or information. By going down this path of seeking more information we get stuck in indecision and essentially make the choice to stay in the state of confusion. Staying in a state of confusion is not the path to accomplishing your goals and dreams. So once you are done with your research and advice seeking and still feel stuck, it’s time to stay connected to your intuition so that can creatively choose action that are in line with what’s best for you. For instance if you are in the middle of trying to make a major decision, a common strategy is to write a list of pros and cons. In fact I wrote in detail about steps to making a decision earlier this year. In addition to those strategies, the steps I outline here are also useful in making a decision. What I am referring to specifically is staying in touch with your intuition to help you with regular, daily decisions. The decisions of what to focus on first, who to speak to at a meeting, or even what your next step is for a project. Here are some strategies to help you tap into your inner wisdom and intuition to help guide you throughout your day.

  1. Step away and move. If you have read some of my other blog posts you know I have discussed this before. Stepping away from the problem/issue helps take your mind away from focusing on the details and gets you into the big picture. Moving your body also gets your oxygen and circulation flowing and can bring up some great insights. I enjoy taking a walk outside when I am stuck, you may choose a run or yoga. Choose what works for you. By taking time to step away from your work on a regular basis and move, you are staying connected to yourself and your intuition.
  2. Create a collage. This strategy is for all you creative souls or visual people. Grab some old magazines or anything else with pictures. If you are trying to make a decision you can do this after writing your lists of pros/cons. Tear or cut out images that you are drawn to in the magazines or online. When you are done you can lay the image out in front of you or glue them onto a piece of paper. Then you can allow yourself to “see” you inner voice. The key to this strategy is to just be in the flow and not think too much about the images you choose. If you allow yourself to be free in the process you will be amazed at what happens.
  3. Color. Coloring books for adults are widely available today. Remember the feeling when you opened that new box of crayons as a child? Recreating that feeling allows us to get in touch with our inner child. Just setting aside a few minutes to color relaxes your mind and allows you to be in a zone of joy and creativity. You may be surprised by what answer or solution comes up for you. Coloring allows you to step away from the day and activate your creativity.

I hope these strategies are useful for you when you to stay in touch with your inner wisdom or intuition.

If you or someone you know would like some guidance and support reaching their goals and dreams have them contact me for a no obligation connection session.

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