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Developing Self-Compassion

Why Make Time for Fun as a HSP?

July 30, 2018

I’m Kavita
A Jungian Business and Success coach, a highly-sensitive woman and an empath. A mother of two beautiful boys, and a serial entrepreneur.
TOp categories

As a Highly sensitive/intuitive person it is easy to be serious and focus on being productive, or just being busy. It is often difficult to schedule in fun, because of many excuses. In my practice and personal experience, there are some common reasons  used to avoid fun. For some, fun is a waste of time, for others, our memories of what is “supposed” to be fun is simply not enjoyable and may actually be overwhelming. Also, there is the belief that we don’t have time for that “fun” stuff. I am here to give you permission to go out and have some joy.

The truth is that you have time for what you prioritize, each minute of each day you are choosing how to spend the time you have been given.

Fun is simply letting go of your responsibilities for a short period of time, and engaging in an activity for the temporary contentment and joy that it brings. For Highly Sensitive People this can be a hike, being at the beach, going for a walk, window shopping, meeting a friend for tea/coffee, or going on a meditation/yoga retreat. This list is far from exhaustive, it is simply a few suggestions that will hopefully get you thinking about what you enjoy and give you permission to have fun in a way that is in alignment with who you are. 

Although I am encouraging you to have fun, just for the benefit of the enjoyment that the activity brings, there are other benefits.

  1. Letting go and being in the moment lowers your stress level. Lower stress equals less cortisol, less anxiety and depression.
  2. Having fun allows you to step away from life so you can return with a new perspective to solve any unresolved issues and problems.
  3. Enjoyment gives you permission to celebrate your life now, not just when the next goal is achieved.
  4. Life is too short not to have fun!

So you choose, do you want to look back at this week and feel burn out, overwhelm, and that life is just full of work? Or do you want to look forward to each day in anticipation of what is to come?

I hope I have inspired you to choose to have some fun today. Take some time and schedule in the appointment for next week or within the next two weeks. Make it a regular habit, and see how this impacts your life.

If you are having trouble letting go because you are overwhelmed with all that is going on in your life, it may be time to contact me to schedule a clarity session.

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